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Parker Medical is a Las Vegas Concierge Medicine Practice. We offer an alternative to traditional PCP and focus on helping you protect your health.
Our doctor provides high quality medical concierge services focusing on prevention, educating patients, disease management, as well as acute health care.
The only concierge practice in Las Vegas that blends functional and cutting-edge modern medicine in a personalized, on-demand setting.
This Las Vegas-based medical practice provides in-house lab services, regenerative medicine treatments, and primary care physician services, to name a few. At ...
As a concierge doctor, Dr. Ng is able to treat patients in an unhurried atmosphere, allowing patients to explain their medical situation in full details.
Trusted Concierge Medicine Specialist serving Las Vegas, NV. Contact us at 702-570-9783 or visit us at 11920 Southern Highlands Pkwy, Suite 100, Las Vegas, ...
Talley Concierge Medicine is a skilled Family Medicine Practice in Las Vegas, NV. Accepting new appointments. Call today or request an appointment on our ...
Harouni Concierge Care - Visit our skilled Concierge Care in Las Vegas, NV. Accepting new appointments. Call today or request an appointment online.
Parker Medical offers traditional primary care medicine integrated with personalized medical approaches to meet your needs in a concierge setting in Las Vegas, ...
Dr. Q - VIP Medicine is the premiere concierge medicine medical practice in the Summerlin suburbs of Las Vegas, Nevada. Operated by concierge physician Dr.